• Build with us one of the most powerful start-up eco-systems of the world!

    No matter of you act as startup, investor or friend: start profiting from today.

startup300 is well known from:

  • More than 130 investors, business angels and venture capital companies are already on board

    Many of the most successful investors and business angels in Central Europa bearing an Exit Volumina from more than 500 Mio. Euro.

  • Powerful decision-maker and existing pull for startups

    Investment in 33 different startups in just 18 months, we already receive more than 100 applications every month

  • Growth acceleration

    Many of the most powerful growth accelerators from growth hackers to genius in finance and law already support the eco-system settled in the organization think300. Catory300 provide one of the first campus for startups and many more will follow.

Our Goals

First in mind for blockchain and crypto currency in central Europe

Pure competence for future-forward technologies of any kind. We love game-changers. We love disruptive technologies. What are the hottest startups of the month? You decide as owner of tokens!

Roll-out of additional locations for factory300 in Europe

We want to open additional loations in Europe for factory300 after the successful launch oft he first facility in Linz / Austria. Where shall we open the next location? You decide as token-owner!

We satisfy your wish #1: I would like to invest in startups

You receive investment opportunities in startups, already selected and filtered by experts. You get direct access or indirect access. Exclusive investment opportunities for token-owners.

We satisfy your wish #2: I would like to get support as startup

Benefit from the startup-campus of factory300, get coaching and advise from think300 or startup300. No matter what is your next goal: You get support and services when available as token-owner. You’ll see they make you grow faster than you may think.

We satisfy your wish #3: I have special know-how and I am capable to support startups

A jury checks your qualifications, and when you are ready you can assist startups to grow even faster. In many cases you will receive tokens for your support.

Oliver Bussmann, President CVA

“The long term ICO model will disrupt the whole IPO business.”

Harald Mahrer, Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy

“Blockchain is the future of Internet.”

Charles Darwin

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”

“Ideas by themselves are not worth anything, only executing well is what creates value.”

Bryce Keane, co-founder 3beards

“If you don’t have an ecosystem of people you can tap into for support, to help out with, say, finding talent or just making contacts, it’s 20-30 times harder to get your business off the ground.”


Michael Eisler

Michael Eisler

Executive board startup300
Bernhard Lehner

Bernhard Lehner

Executive board startup300
Johann "Hansi" Hansmann

Johann "Hansi" Hansmann

startup300 supervisory board
Michael Altrichter

Michael Altrichter

startup300 supervisory board
Fredi Luger

Fredi Luger

startup300 supervisory board
Michaela Lindinger

Michaela Lindinger

think300 CEO
Gabriel Grabner

Gabriel Grabner

startup300 supervisory board
Peter Lasinger

Peter Lasinger

Executive board capital300
Roman Scharf

Roman Scharf

Executive board capital300

Why „300“?

Everyone knows the legend about the 300 who fought against a vast army. We identify us with these idealistically fighting 300 warriors, who have the courage to take it with an obvious superiority, with determination and goal orientation almost impossible to implement. Whether you are a Silicon Valley, a distant investor or accelerator circle or a desperate start-up: show courage and determination and join the existing fighters!


Will Tokens be available or buyable after the Token-Sell?

Yes. However, presumably, toes will not be freely tradable before mid-2018. Until then, we have probably done enough to meet the existing token owner, continue to expand and stimulate the ecosystem positively.

Will the value of tokens increase?

We are assuming this as certain services are enabled with tokens and these tokens are “burned” in the course of this provision. Usually, a shortage and constant or increasing demand also means an increase in prices.

How to buy these tokens?

In principle, toes are sold against etherium (ether). Tokens are offered through pre-sales via Conda. This pre-sale also allows you to exchange normal currency (EUR) for Ether and to buy token with this digital currency. We would like to help our supporters to take this (perhaps?) the first step of contact with Blockchain technology. After the pre-sale, toes (as long as stocks last) are available only on this page against Etherium.

Who can buy these tokens?

Basically anyone can buy this token. We hope that this will make as many investors or startups as possible so that the token is not a pure speculative object on the market. This is not our goal, we do not want to build any barriers for startups. For this reason, we will also allow to reduce the number of token deployments for startup services in the future.

How many tokens can you buy? Are there limits?

We avoid a greedy hortening of more than 50,000 tokens per person or per wallet. We do not want to allow a few “sharks” to make a financial-speculative appreciation, but to make a breakthrough possible for as many good ideas and people as possible. In total there are 120,000,000 tokens, of which 43% are distributed to the community (now), 25% are used as incentives, 32% remain with startup300.

Startup300 works already: What does this mean for existing investors of startup300?

Existing investors and partners receive a token as a bonus, depending on the existing investment. Many future service will only be available to token owners, so we also recommend existing supporters to secure additional tokens. We want to make services more transparent and fair to us in the future. New opportunities should be made faster.

Can tokens be sold later?

Obviously, tokens may be sold, exchanged or given away. Decentralized, without a middleman: just typical blockchain. 🙂

Why does startup300 go through this unusual variant of crowd support?

We want to be one of the first mover in the area of blockchain in Central Europe, gladly support others and create a positive precedent. We want to create a transparent, open and fair startup eco-system that is not yet implemented worldwide. Please support us by acquiring tokens and profit by this as well!

Make sure that you get tokens („SUP“). These tokens are your ticket in this world. When all tokens are gone, also all tickets are gone.

Get your tokens and influence this eco-system from today!

© 2017 startup300 AG